Heading abroad and not sure which travel adapter you need? We’ve got all the info you need to know!

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We’re here to help

To make your trip a breeze, we’re here to guide you to the right travel adapters for each destination.

This website is your go-to resource for everything about travel plugs and outlets, as well as other handy travel products.

Plug Types

Find the right travel adapter for every type of outlet, right away.


Get all the info you need on the 15 types of outlets around the world.

Travel Essentials

Discover handy travel products for your vacation.


Want a quick overview of the best travel adapters? Just click the button below.

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About Us

We know better than anyone that traveling can be thrilling. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for travelers to arrive in a country only to find that their U.S. plugs just don’t work. That’s a real bummer. That’s why we created, so you can hit the road well-prepared.

4,8 Stars

We’ve earned a customer rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.


Last year alone, we helped over 43,500 travelers with their journeys.

Trusted Advice

We only recommend products that we have actually tested ourselves.

North America

In most of North America, you won’t need a travel adapter.

Travelers Speak Out


Curious about what other travelers are saying about us? Check out some of their experiences below.

Awesome website! I quickly found the travel adapter I needed for my trip to Thailand. The recommendations are super helpful and spot-on.

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Christopher from Orlando

Handy website for finding travel adapters. It was a bit tough to find specific product details without clicking through. Luckily, the customer service was really helpful and quick to respond. I had a fantastic time in South Africa!

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Emma from Chandler

Great quality products and delivery was faster than expected. I’ve been using this website for my business trips for the third time now. Each time, I find exactly what I need. Highly recommend!

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Amber from Phoenix
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Got Questions?

Need some help picking the right travel adapter or have other questions? Reach out to us.

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